Comprising the unsigned duo of Peter Godfrey and Joe Kellam, Cubus (previously known as “Mancubus”) have spent the last decade creating Warp, Touch, Room40 and Raster Noton-influenced electronic music. Starting off with experimentation with early tracking software on the Amiga and PC, their style has matured and technical ability developed as new techniques were discovered… Currently using a combination of a Sony Walkman, an electromagnet, Jeskola Buzz, Audiomulch, MSN messenger, Reaper, Ableton Live, a pair of scissors and a microwave oven, cubus produce a range of tracks from minimal ambience to hyperactive electronica.
“cubus are an accomplished recording unit whose exploratory impulse is sincere and unflinching, but their desire to push back the boundaries is informed by a notable sense of melody and a will to entertain.” (Jon B from peoplesound (remember that ?!), ages ago..)
cubus can be contacted at
Various Press Things

Future Music Issue 139 September 2003 P106
Future Music Issue 156 December 2004 P102
MusicTech Magazine Issue 26 May 2005 P18