Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by tryptych »

It's all about "drugs" my friends :)

On more serious note, I really enjoyed the first two Oasis records (did I mention that already?). They used to be on the Creation Records that had many other good bands like Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine etc. and was a more of an underground label. Maybe Oasis just had that cheesy, mainstream pop element that finally made them so big.

I think all music has it's situation and time..
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by Ross »

Y'know what's interesting - and this is probably a discussion for a whole 'nother thread - I found that most drugs actually decrease my appreciation of music.
Listening to something like Lifeforms induces a sense of euphoria, relaxation and - if I choose - imagery and imagination better than any drug ever has.

Oasis came along at the right time in the UK - lots of people were bored of of US angst and faceless shoegaze, so the arrival of bands like Suede brought about a change, and when Oasis came along and said they were going to be the biggest band in the world, people believed it.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by tryptych »

I was talking about musical taste in general - rarely I've met people who really enjoy FSOL that haven't done psychedelics. And if some do, it's usually the more dance-y tracks like PNG. That said, FSOL gives me an instant "flashback" into that space, a bit like Floyd does. When I put Dead Cities on, whoosh!, there I am. No other bands do this for me.

When I first listened to Lifeforms, I had an incredibly strong feeling that I had heard these sounds/melodies before.. like cellular memory or something (glitch?). It's unbelievable. And there are several, even freakier aspects to it.. when people refer to psytrance as "psychedelic" I just have to grin =)

Anyway, BTTT, can't wait to hear the AA mutation of the album.. proper pop virtuosity with some FSOL treatment. I think Oasis stopped being interesting after Morning Glory, and Beady Eye is just.. well, kinda weak.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by dell1972 »

I'm inclined to agree with much of this. I think when I first heard the Lifeforms EP for example it seemed to hint to all kinds of stuff from the past. I initially thought Path 2 was a modern remix of Electronic Number 1 by Hawkwind, minus the clanger noises... but then there were all sorts of stuff being taken at the time! Everyone who was into that sort of psychedelics culture at the time seemed to be into FSOL and The Orb. FSOL in particular seemed to be nodding at the listener and giving us a knowing wink. It does sound different in that state, particularly rhythmically and you remember it once you've heard it that way, like it's some kind of footprint/memory. And there it is, imprinted for all time.

My take on Oasis was that the filler started creeping in during What's the Story Morning Glory and there was a big step down after that. The first album and the B-sides from the first two album's singles were where it was at. Noel himself was pondering what would have happened if Be Here Now had sold as much as Morning Glory. Amusingly he said he'd have probably have grown a moustache and started wearing a cape or something!

Oasis splitting is probably the best for the lot of them. Robbie Williams was right saying they've been doing a lap of honour for the last fifteen years. They've got to put more effort into it again, and I think the AA album is the one Noel's most proud of, he actually seems pleased Gaz wasn't scared of telling him something sounded shit. Should be intriguing.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by dubmasta »

i dont know about other drugs boys, but pot is good :) not always, its more a matter of the mood.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by Ross »

I suppose it depends on the person. I've never taken psychedelics, unless weed counts, and don't really have much desire to either. I know a fair few people who like FSOL, The Orb and other such groups and I don't think any of them have taken psychedelics either. It's a whole subculture I've never really been a part of or known on the whole.
Weed just makes me deconstruct music. I almost destroyed Tha by Aphex Twin by listening to it stoned and my mind un-piecing it until all I could hear was a bass line, a melody, a kick and a spoken sample. The magic that held it together as a beautiful piece of music had completely gone. I've tried Lifeforms, but that happened with Cascade too so I stopped sharpish in case I ended up ruining the album!
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by seedy »

lol it always amazes me how fans of the same music/culture can sometimes be so different. i feel like i have to love fsol at least ALMOST as much as some of you....and yet i find myself so different in terms of musical taste and apparent in this

maybe part of this is the big ocean between us idk.
ross in particular def has a much different perspective on things than i do. god dude i've tried biosphere multiple times since taking your recommendation and i still just can't find anything to be excited about with it! and just what you are saying here about herb and i'm so the opposite.
my love of herb is directly tied to music. there was just one day back in 95 that i was sitting there baked up and listening to some phish and said to self "dang.....this music sounds SO much more awesome right now" and that was the end of it lol. for me personally herb just amplifies everything musical in my soul. i hear more, feel more.
moving on to some mushies etc. there's just no comparison. it's an unbelievable feeling to hear awesome music when i'm in that state.
i'm older now and winding down to a degree on anything intense. nowadays my trip to space doesn't even take me out of the atmosphere....i really only need that little hint to get the experience i'm after.
lol i know it likely falls on deaf ears but ROSS man my thought is you haven't LIVED yet without taking a psychedelic journey! i'll tell you this much it's likely nothing like you would imagine. way less intense than what i ever anticipated especially because i was always smart enough to control my portions. there is just so much to be learned about the world in it......words can't really describe.
i just think that overall, getting back to fsol the reason we are all here.....this is music made with psychedelia in mind. whether you are in that state or have simply been there before it "touches all those sweet spots".

anyhoo.....this thread made me think about my first experience with fsol and really i can't remember lol!
i listened to them some 15-20 years ago with advice from my ozric friends and just wasn't wowed at all. i just wasn't there yet into anything ambient....still on a trance kick if it was going to be electronic at all.
and so it's just a name that had always been on my radar and one year i decided to give them a try again.....sometimes things just click as you musically evolve over time.

so idk.....i remember LOVING the isness with my passion for floyd/beatles. i really liked the idea of the "translations" albums of papua/lifeforms/mello hippo.
i think my true love came from the disenchanted server though.
i picked up every one of those transmissions and actually took the time to TRACK each release since most were only a single track.
this really allowed me to ingest fsol fully and i just lived a few months of recurring themes and wondering how the next mix would sound.
and one day i just realized the perfection of lifeforms and dead cities.
these albums SO create an environment like i've never experienced.
lifeforms i'm literally sitting near a tranquil pond in the middle of the woods.....dead cities i'm sitting on the train tracks of a post apocalyptic urban jungle.

ah......i'm rambling now

god bless fsol and all the fans we have here ;)
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by dubmasta »

concerning weed i feel the same as you seedy. all my senses and emotions well up to the highest level. especially most of the times i love composing music while in this state, and even more i love improvising on my piano, the music that comes out is so beautiful and flows like a smooth river. but when i do complicated things where need to be focused, i prefer to be sober. without trying to be a devils advocate i think thats why Ross said that it depends on the person, in my opinion on the mood too. ive heard some guys saying that when they work, djing for example, they dont even smoke or drink in order to be focused. i speak about weed, no idea about other stuff because have never tried anything and i never going to. there is no better thing as some smelly green shttt :) i guess im a rastafarian with this ;)
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by Ross »

Given that we're all sharing personal stories, I'll explain perhaps why I'm a bit different regarding music.
When I was 10, my dad bought a CD player and got a CD of The Shadows - 60s instrumental guitar group - which I fell in love with. Before that I had no interest in music whatsoever. When my dad sensed I'd immediately switched on to music, he opened my taste by playing me Revolution 9 by The Beatles. My mind was blown. At the age of 10, music no longer had to have melody, rhythm or even conventional instruments. From then on I was interested in anything largely instrumental that was weird. First CD I ever bought was The Box by Orbital (I loved the fact it had no track titles, and they all blurred into one piece), and a few months later I saw the video for My Kingdom on Top of the Pops. I would have been twelve at this point. I went out and bought the single - if I believed in fate, I'd say it was looking down on me that day, because all I could remember was "something London", to which my mum responded "what, this?" picking up a copy of the My Kingdom cassette in the 99p ex-chart box she was standing next to!
As soon as I listened to it I knew this was a whole different level of music, I could visualise everything - probably influenced by the music video, I imagined a city with strange things happening, the intro being some strange alien creature calling from underneath a motorway flyover, then it went into part two, strange sounds from an amusement arcade somewhere on the dodgy side of the city, part three was a different section... and so on. I can still completely envision these places now. Within a year I'd tracked down everything my local record shop could get - Cascade cost me £12 on import, a month's worth of pocket money.
Lifeforms was the most vivid. I feel like I know that landscape intimately. Every note and beat of every piece on the album has a texture, be it a plant, a river, a desert surface, some tins on sticks blowing in the wind marking the edge of a tribe's territory - when I sit down and really listen, I'm still there like I was the day I first heard it. The 30 seconds changing discs is really depressing, realising I'm still in the real world.
This was all before I knew what drugs were. By the time I'd come into contact with anybody who took drugs, I'd been listening to music in this visual manner that took me far, far away from reality for five or six years, and I just didn't really feel the need. Whenever I want to disconnect from perceived reality, I have a whole world of places to escape to just at the press of 'play'.

I'd say maybe you haven't lived if you need chemicals - natural or manufactured - to experience things. But I'm sure that just comes from the fact that they don't interest me.

I should also mention that I have Asperger's syndrome, which comes with a whole world inside my head and an intense desire for control over every aspect of my life. Which might explain some of this too. ;)
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by RazorJack »

Interesting stories.

Personally, I don't do drugs (surprising huh, coming from a guy who lives in a country where many soft drugs are actually legal), but still enjoy any genre of music I'm in the mood for, in a normal state of mind.

I love beer though.
Ross wrote: The 30 seconds changing discs is really depressing, realising I'm still in the real world.
haha :D
I feel the same thing three times when I listen to my Dead Cities LP's.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by dubmasta »

thats why i love this place so much, everybody is so sincere, with all of our personal stories and experiences. i would never have thought id feel this way the first time i registered on this forum years ago. something that i did just to find out if FSOL are still a band or have split up because there was absolutely no info anywhere on the internet, and there was no info here either at that time :) now i feel that its not just a community but a family. and to me personally has even a greater value, Ross knows. i guess this is the magic of FSOL, its not only their music, its something very higher than that. beer makes me sleepy, even one bottle hehe :) thats why i rarely drink beer, concerning other alcohol, noooo way. not my cup of tea at all. its not essential to take drugs (smoke herbs) in order to visualize music, enjoy it, or be creative while composing or improvising. actually, from my experiences i can tell that a highly intense emotional state can produce even greater results. emotion is a lot more powerful than any drug, but in the world we live in, stress is the destroyer of everything.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by tryptych »

seedy wrote:thought is you haven't LIVED yet without taking a psychedelic journey!
I wouldn't go that far.. I definitely don't encourage the use of any illegal substances. Someone wise said that everyone get's a "psychedelic" (don't really like that term) experience once in their life, be they conscious of it or not. I think we're bombarded with so much BS that people might not even notice it!

I hate it when people refer to psychoactives as "drugs". That's a production of the western culture. Look at native cultures (native Americans f.e.), they have completely different view on things like peyote, mushrooms etc. I think they should be thought as plant teachers or medicine and they have a deep connection to the nature and to who we really are.
'll tell you this much it's likely nothing like you would imagine
That is true.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by Tito Lozano »

And well , if you like feel "Psychedelic " with legal drugs, i recommended little cup of absinthe and listen MPB8 i passed for this experience and was a incredible journey without movie X)
tryptych wrote:
seedy wrote:thought is you haven't LIVED yet without taking a psychedelic journey!
I wouldn't go that far.. I definitely don't encourage the use of any illegal substances. Someone wise said that everyone get's a "psychedelic" (don't really like that term) experience once in their life, be they conscious of it or not. I think we're bombarded with so much BS that people might not even notice it!

I hate it when people refer to psychoactives as "drugs". That's a production of the western culture. Look at native cultures (native Americans f.e.), they have completely different view on things like peyote, mushrooms etc. I think they should be thought as plant teachers or medicine and they have a deep connection to the nature and to who we really are.
'll tell you this much it's likely nothing like you would imagine
That is true.
Yeah , that is true, our western culture , more sophisticated made it illegal to legal,now millions of smoke tobbaco (with miles miligrams of tar)kills to young and older people...sincerely,I see old Indian smoking a peace pipe in other cultures but not so happy to see the grandparents of the West, mine died of lung cancer at 62...
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by Ross »

Ha, absynthe scares the crap outta me.
I'm an old fashioned English gent at heart, my tipple is a pint of ale. Or a few bottles. I stopped getting hideously drunk after one too many awful experiences (waking up in a strange flat in London with no coat, no wallet, no keys, no way of getting home - hurray!) and just realising I felt a bit too old for it all. I pretty much stopped smoking weed because it plays havoc with my brain these days, I had a combination of too much with too many Es and coke while I was at university and it flipped my emotions around a bit too much. Tobacco I stopped smoking when I realised how utterly stupid and pointless it was (I'd previously quit but re-started when managing a shop - the only way to get through a shift!).
I haven't quite got to the stage of Gaz's 'no drugs or alcohol, I prefer to grow my own organic vegetables' stage, but I do generally feel a much happier person for eating very healthily, doing a lot of exercise and sinking off into my own world via an amazing album than when I took any substances to make me happy.

But yes, everybody's incredibly different. Who'd have thought Noel Gallagher would lead to a thread like this? Haha.
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Re: Noel Gallagher/AA album thread

Post by dubmasta »

haha indeed :)
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