The Orb - Chill Out World

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The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by DJ Three »

soundCloud full track previews of forthcoming Orb album "Chill Out World"... with Roger Eno and Youth

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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by Enofa »

Really liking this. I've enjoyed most of the albums since Okie Dokie, but found them all very light on replay value - they've generally lasted a year or so in my collection. I have a feeling this one is going to become one of my favourites though, it just feels much more on my level musically.
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by OffLand »

Yeah, this sounds pretty great. Might have to pick this one up :)
- Off Land
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by epitome »

I listened to one track from this a few weeks ago and it didn't impress me. I still pre-ordered the CD though, so I'll wait till the weekend and give the whole thing a listen (on my birthday too :) )
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by dell1972 »

I've actually yet to purchase the Moonbuilding album. I became increasingly disenchanted with The Orb with the Metallic Spheres and his collaboration with Lee Perry. Combine that with the increasing realisation that Paterson is a freeloading ballsack with almost no artistic talent, other than his ability to get others to do the work for him, made me a bit more reticent to pass cash in his direction. I may get past this at some point, but not at the moment.
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by mcbpete »

You pretty much exactly mirror my views too !
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by Dennis »

dell1972 wrote:Paterson is a freeloading ballsack with almost no artistic talent, other than his ability to get others to do the work for him

But come on, that´s maybe a bit TOO harsh. I´ve also read that evil blur from Kris Weston, and I´m also pretty sure he has some points with his descriptions, but I really think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He surely has seemed to contribute something to the albums, and even more than the suspected "one sample or two", I´m really sure.

And yeah, Metallic Spheres and that Lee Perry thing were pretty uninteresting, but if the team Paterson/Fehlmann keeps coming up with solid albums like Okie Dokie or Baghdad Batteries now and in the next years, then I´m pretty fine with it.
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by seedy »

orb + roger eno = NICE

f'n love me some orb through and through 8-)
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by mcbpete »

Dennis wrote:But come on, that´s maybe a bit TOO harsh. I´ve also read that evil blur from Kris Weston, and I´m also pretty sure he has some points with his descriptions, but I really think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He surely has seemed to contribute something to the albums, and even more than the suspected "one sample or two", I´m really sure.
I would actually be really interested to hear a Paterson only track - Just flicked though the entire album back catalogue and couldn't find a single release that appeared to be by just him. They're almost all seem to be either a Fehlmann and/or Hughes and/or Weston co-project !
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by Enofa »

It is a tad worrisome that the Fehlmann albums do sound almost exactly like Fehlmann's solo material.
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by Codringher »

mcbpete wrote:I would actually be really interested to hear a Paterson only track - Just flicked though the entire album back catalogue and couldn't find a single release that appeared to be by just him. They're almost all seem to be either a Fehlmann and/or Hughes and/or Weston co-project !
There is only one: "1,1,1" (0:36) from "Cydonia". Made entirely out of samples ;-)

I agree with Ross - every album made by Paterson/Fehlmann duo is actually Fehlmann album with Paterson samples.

For me Orb ended when Hughes left. Mostly all albums released in XXI century are boring/uninteresting/sounding the same... (with small exceptions).
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by dell1972 »

I too agree with Ross on the Fehlmann comment, I feel more inclined to listen to his solo stuff as a result, though they always come across as nice but almost wholly unmemorable - you could argue that makes them good value as you never tire of them because you can never remember them!

I think bitterness set in when I bought the limited edition Lee Perry album for about thirty quid. On the plus side you actually got the instrumental album without Perry's gibbering (and I am actually a big fan of Perry usually, his seventies stuff mainly). On the down side I feel I paid a premium for a cut up bit of art that was included that Alex did which my four year old daughter could have done a better job of. Oh, I forgot about "C Batter C", which came before it. An overpriced turd is the best description I can give it.

Of course hearing Kris Weston's comments does slew matters somewhat, and I'm sure his account of things can't be 100% truth, but does seem to make a certain sense when listening to the stylistic changes over the years - you come to realise there's no Alex style as such other than a few goofy samples.

Interestingly what Kris Weston actually did put out the other year before he had a meltdown sounded very much like a slightly more classical Environments II era FSOL. His latest ramblings suggest though he's really not doing very well... he seems to be holed up on Guatemala with broken equipment.
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by Pandemonium »

Agreed, LX is mostly a parasite, but ORB albums are mostly good (some even great)...
dell1972 wrote:I feel more inclined to listen to Fehlmann solo stuff as a result, though they always come across as nice but almost wholly unmemorable - you could argue that makes them good value as you never tire of them because you can never remember them!
I like exactly this in some artists. 'unmemorable' is not a bad thing in my view :)
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by mcbpete »

dell1972 wrote:Oh, I forgot about "C Batter C", which came before it. An overpriced turd is the best description I can give it.
That track is responsible for a really terrible and rushed remix by me too -

(if the above doesn't work - )
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Re: The Orb - Chill Out World

Post by seedy »

i stopped caring about who's behind the music
it's great music so i don't care :)

also for all that LX doesn't do there is also something to be said for being a "director" of a project
like a band leader, he's not playing an instrument but he is putting forth the direction of the work

that said it's possible he's not that either lol
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