Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

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Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

i'm not sure if i have this already or what but here are links

Cydonia V1: (link removed)

Cydonia V2: (link removed)

they will expire in 6 days so grab them now if you want them
flacs might be appearing soon so i'll post those if they pop up as well
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Tito Lozano »

Seedy you must talk with someone from Orb mail list or FB only suggest ;)
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

also this

haha yes you got it rontxo - i'm on the mailing list 8-)
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Tito Lozano »

This weekend was aired, without original idea to share a last work made by Kris Weston, he closed the Kickstarter and bad news about his album... bad thing
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

huh so what's the deal there? what happened?

anyways, i believe these will be the flacs:

(link removed)

(link removed)

Here's a link to the 'somewhere over the rainbow' cassette, lasts for 7 days

40 minute Mix

Half Hour Mix for James Hyman XFM

yay for rare and free music :)
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Tito Lozano »

Thanks Seedy, ineteresting on listen that Flac,cassette rip mp3 version was crappy
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Enofa »

Kris Weston's website three days ago:
edit: i tried my best for two years :/ ive done a bunch of work on different things, but the only one that made it to demo stage was this:!DEh2WbZa!U-EbIL2s4 ... t8X9lqXaVs

(edit: demo was destroyed forever)

there was quite a few other exciting things happening, mebbe i should upload some loops for you to hear so you get even more pissed off this isnt done. or mebbe not :) probably best just leaving it.

ill try to make some other music that doesnt involve other people when i sort out somewhere to live and a job.

one day if i can get a string section and harpist to record it properly, i may release the demo. dont hold your breath tho, im not doing it unless i have proper equipment and proper musicians, the likelyhood of which happening now is pretty low.


i was trying to do this ambitious project see, i got quite far. when i started i lived in a caravan in a field and it was my dream to work with a bunch of musicians to make this music i had in my head ( and on my hard disk ) – i got a lot of people to agree to do it – most of them agreed to do it for the money, not many seemed interested in the actual music. i found that out later of course, when i started i believed all of them could genuinely hear what was in my head and were as excited as me :D what a nob.

i started the project, even though i didnt have the money or the room or the right equipment to do it in the hope i could bodge as i went, egged on by you lot. sessions happened over the internet. most of them were wrong. i had to process every single one. due to my music composition style i hack things together as i go and one thing may lead to another. this doesnt work well with recording over the internet because i might need another little bit a few days after and, of course, the musician is no longer around, near a studio or i cant afford to pay em.

another problem was because of the two outputs on my soundcard it was quite hard to feed things in and out of the computer while being able to hear them properly, which left me with huge amounts of tracks that i couldnt bounce because i couldnt fucking hear the balance of them properly!!! being a stubborn bastard, i continued anyway trying to sort it out in a way which would satisfy my ears. A sound bloke called Jake offered to help me do the tunes. He lives about 5 hours away tho. Ive been there three times. each time, because he had lots of outputs, a place we can make noise in all night without bothering anyone and REALLY fucking good speakers, we could advance the track quite far and it was easy to hear things to bounce them properly. the problem is Jake has a life and a family I cant spend all my time over there, i need this kind of equipment in my studio so i can work like this every day! obviously that dragged everything on as i started to feel like i couldnt do anything here because i was just fighting a shit room and not enough outputs. i still tried.

during this time, i cant tell you how many people got in touch with me out of the blue to offer stuff that they eventually didnt sort out. the time i wasted was significant. there was the lead guy who offered a bunch of leads and i needed some at the time, he also offered to help fix my mixing desk. he arranged a day to come down, and i unplugged and unscrewed the entire mixing desk, had it in the middle of the room when i got his message he wunt coming, and then he never answered my mails again. there was the one direction photographer guy who was going to put 3k in, so i got a few things rolling based on that, then he disappeared with not a word. then there was the indian singer, countless mails, two days of mixing demos off for her, strung me along for months, then wanted too much cash i couldnt pay after saying she would do it for cheap (it turned out she had agreed without actually reading the mail). then there was the first percussionist, he did me a session, but hardly ever answered my mails or calls and didnt seem that interested. then there was another percussionist, never mind he said these people were fucking around, ill do you a free session, just mix me off all the track you want me on, and ill get a flute player too. the sessions were to be delivered by christmas, then within a month, then i never heard from him again. spent a day mixing him off various things and uploading them to internet etc. then there was the violinist, he was really matey and seemed to be genuinely interested in the music – he was a friend of roberts (fripp) and he kept stalling me for ages then bowed out saying i had taken too long to contact him. fuck these pricks ffs. i could go on actually….. there was the turkish guitarist flakey fucking twat….

ill spare you :)

Obviously a few days in a decent studio every month or two, isnt really a viable option to make this album and until such time as i can achieve this, it is pointless working on this stuff. because i cant fucking hear shit and i cant make any noise!! now the speakers and cans i was borrowing have gone back, so im fucked basically. this is what i actually need to finish it:

a place to make noise in

good headphones – those 1500 quid audeze ones would do

good speakers – probably three sets would be advantageous, say some large adams or some shit, some smaller high quality ones and some POS ones for ref

good mixing desk – really super quiet, lovely eq desk with enough inputs for soundcard. a desk that doesnt crackle like an old car being hand cranked when you touch it would be great

lots of audio outputs – 48 would be ideal, 32 would do i spose

some outboard wouldnt go amiss n all

all this stuff costs an unbelievable amount of money, probably more than the 60k i wanted for the entire project, i thought i could but its become clear i just cant work on inferior setups with these tunes cos you really need to hear everything to work with it – people pay 99p for a track that has 500k of kit behind it, i dont see this happening.

after all this i still have to pay the musicians, tbh i dont think ill ever be able to do it and i cant be arsed doing it in other peoples places here n there, costs loads to travel around n all and i generally hate everyone and never go out.

people ask why dont i make some electronic music. well, i dont even like electronic music! i started music again just to make some things in my head. it appears they arent going to be made. oh well. i still can make some guitar music i spose, but im not going to work with anyone over the internet anymore. fuck that shit. im going to get a proper job.
Kris Weston's website today:
DEP3has been erased from the internet

there is no point in coming back ever
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by epitome »

Cheers seedy, I dunno if I already have some of that (I think I have a demo version of Cydonia after someone mentioned it on here a while ago), I'll try and remember to download those before the links expire!
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Pandemonium »

While I get what he (Kris) is saying - I also can say: anyone can whine about not having +60K for equipment to make the right music...
There are other ways beside the internet and the kickstarter thing... but, artists will be artists.

I hope he'll make it one day.
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Enofa »

It's a difficult one - these days it's easier than ever to record your own music, but it's probably the most difficult time if you want to go beyond the usual 'bedroom artist' expectations. Gaz spoke on Facebook recently about how getting the time and money to book studios, record musicians etc. is more difficult than ever which is why there's been such a delay in the new Amorphous album (but a rise in remixes and MPB CDs!)
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

thrash is just a mental cry baby and always has been

lol i need all this stuff or i can't make music
or i mean.....these very specific tunes that require tons of session musicians

i'm starting to wonder whether he just projects when he talks about alex having zero talent. maybe HE is really the culprit and nothing but talk!
i much music of his have we heard since the orb?
and yet here he is still blabbing about

anybody manage to grab his demo track before it got taken down???!?
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Enofa »

When the rant was first posted there were a couple of people on WATMM who said they'd known people who'd worked with Alex before and pretty much backed up what Kris said, that Alex simply 'directed' things and had little musical input. Kind of backed up by the fact that The Orb's sound changes almost unrecognisably depending on who he's working with.
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

well if he's giving his mates their proper leeway for input into the tunes then yeah you would expect the other 50% or whatever to have a big impact

i just can't make a judgment like that without real evidence
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by Pandemonium »

Ross wrote:When the rant was first posted there were a couple of people on WATMM who said they'd known people who'd worked with Alex before and pretty much backed up what Kris said, that Alex simply 'directed' things and had little musical input.
Brian also backed up Kris in out little chats - I hope that ends up in the "interview" that I'm preparing for ...well... 9 months now...
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Re: Download Orb-Cydonia pre release CDr

Post by seedy »

if you have more to add about that Pande please do!
pm if you want

interesting i also saw plaid post on their facebook a link to his rant and said it's "spot on"
i'm not sure if they meant the industry in general or the people being mentioned

either way, truth will set you free i guess. kinda disappointing to have to entertain this notion :roll:

found the rant or at least much of it: ... clnk&gl=ro
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