RIP Edgar Froese

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RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

Regardless of a certain lack of quality for years now, my heart is fucking broken.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by dell1972 »

Absolutely, appalling quality control, but I was willing him on the whole way. Truly, one of the key players in the development of electronic music for me has passed. Tragic.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Pandemonium »

What the...
R I P you magnificent s-o-b...
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

This came in the post this morning... strange timing.

I'm not dealing well with this at all. His death's hit me harder than I expected...
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Pandemonium »

Demis Roussos went away too... I just... oohh fuck it - comments are worthless...
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

Edgar was buried on 7th February at Wiener Zentralfriedhof (alongside Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, György Ligeti, Arnold Schoenberg, Franz Schubert amongst myriad others). According to Jerome, there was no music played at his funeral and he lies in an anonymous grave with no stone, in line with his wishes. A sad but fitting to a man who didn't believe death was the end. Rest in peace, Edgar.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by dell1972 »

Blimey, anonymous grave, but certainly in grand company. He had his critics, but his memory will certainly live on for some time and the impact he made was significant. If there is an afterlife I doubt he'll be resting, his drive was relentless...
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Pandemonium »

I'd bet he immediately continued composing in the afterlife... or some parallel dimension... or whatever comes next...
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

A five CD series concept album about ascending to the next plane is already 2/3 completed. Recently passed TD fans are already worrying about their bank accounts.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Quiller »

News has come in that original member Peter Baumann will be rejoining the band and continuing the name of Tangerine Dream. Recordings with Edgar's and Peter's involvement have already been completed. Peter from a recent Facebook comments:

"Hallo everyone - as all of you I was shocked by Edgar's sudden departure. Just a month ago I visited him in Austria making plans for a new project. Well, there will be a new project, and Edgar's fingerprints will be all over it. His personality will permeate everything that is composed/produced under the TD name."
"Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm just now sitting in a plane returning from Austria after meeting with Bianca and the TD crew. After many, many years, last October I felt compelled to return to making music - that's when I contacted Edgar and visited him in Austria in early January - those were some of the most emotional and intense days in my life. We're now in the midst of planing the next phase of TD, I believe it will be magical!"
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

Yeah, that took me totally by surprise. Such a tragic time for him to die!
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by dell1972 »

I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a hoax. Certainly not convinced it's a good thing. After all Peter Baumann was the boss of Private Records who oversaw and ultimately green lighted the Melrose Years. Also he's been happy out of the music business for decades now as the husband of a rich heiress allegedly. If it is true, I guess it'd be interesting to see what he cooked up, but he could well cook up a fright. I'm half waiting for Chris Franke to coming wading in at some point.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Enofa »

Ha, I can't see Franke turning up. Not after Edgar's "the only person I would not have a cup of coffee with" remarks...
I dunno if having Baumann involved will necessarily be a bad thing - he might have released the Melrose Years stuff, but Edgar's the one who bloody co-wrote it and he still managed to do an album like Summer in Nagasaki, so...

It's obvious that there's a lot of material lying around that was due for release - there's a Hamlet-inspired Sonic Poem that's been due for ages, Mala Kunia was an overture to an album recorded with the Edgar / Ulrich / Thorsten lineup, and now this Baumann stuff plus the Edgar tribute album that's been announced - so it seems we'll be getting more TD for a while. I'm just hoping it's all Edgar-related and they don't carry on with the name recording new material that Edgar didn't have a say in. Either way, it's probable there's probably enough to put out a couple of releases a year up until the announced end point.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Quiller »

Indications are that it is the real Peter Baumann making these statements. I don't think Peter had creative control over what was going on during the (ahem, weaker) Haslinger/Froese years. He just agreed to put out there stuff on his label. Don't expect Chris Franke anytime soon, although Schmoelling I think could be a possibility for some kind of tribute. Peter actually has a bit of an interesting solo career. He co-produced albums by Asmus Tietchens, Conrad Schnitzler, Cluster, Hans Joachim Roedelius, and Patrick O'Hearn.
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Re: RIP Edgar Froese

Post by Pandemonium »

Dieter Moebius

another TRUE pioneer has left us...

- saw Cluter live in 2010 - they tore the club apart - just WALLS of perfect sound production... talked to them after the show - wonderful wonderful people. Even got some pictures with Roedelius...
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