So yeah, if you've been following Tales From The FSOLBoard over the last month or so you will no doubt have seen the ever increasing numbers of spam accounts flooding the place. Not having full control over everything meant that I had to just sit back and let the place go to the dogs .... But hey that's not the attitude right ?! So I decided to jump in at the deep end and compile a fully formed message board of my own and host it on our cubus servers. So here we are - here's the new IKEA-esque stylings of the new FSOLBoard !
There's a few more tweaks here and there to do, but as of writing this it's pretty much fully formed. Now, obviously there's one two things missing: users, and content. And this is where you guys and gals can help ! Feel free to copy any of the topics you, or anyone else, started on the old board.
Here's the link to the previous version of -
The old board will remain there for however long Boardnation does (which could be a long while, even given recent events). So feel free to use it to copy any information or private messages you may have.
Your old user names and passwords will not be valid on this new message board, don't feel that you have to keep the same username as before but it'll certainly help the rest of the board to know who you are if you do

If you literally want to copy an old topic (well a post from it anyway), just quote it in the old board and select all the code in that box and paste it in here (remembering to remove the [ quote ] and [ /quote ] tags from the start and end of the message). Don't feel you have to, but if there was something particularly memorable you posted feel free to post it again here. As for your previous post counts I can possibly tweak them to what they used to be, but it's probably a bit pointless as your reputation on is certainly far greater than post count !
So enjoy, hope you like the new home. Mind the paint in the bathroom, it's still a little damp.