So I've been reading the posts on this forum for some time now (since about 2012ish to be exact) and I've only just recently thought to become a member. I was introduced to the world FSOL through the soundtracks for Psygnosis' WipEout racing series, and from there I bought Accelerator Deluxe on I-tunes, one of the first proper albums I ever paid for with my own money. To this day Accelerator remains one of my favorite electronic albums of all time, and the 1988-1992 era remains my favorite for the band's material. Over time, however, my interest Brian and Garry's more ambient/IDM-leaning work has grown, largely sparked from reading the PANDE reviews on this forum, the old lyrics wiki, and recently Ross's wonderfully thorough Fractional Difference site.
Right about the mid-2010's, I started recording and releasing my own music while in high school. As a longtime fan of techno and house music, many of my earliest recordings were inspired by the early FSOL-related aliases like Humanoid and Smart Systems. While I've since incorporated a larger array of influences into my work, It was the music of early FSOL and their contemporaries (Orbital, The Prodigy, etc.) that initially inspired me to start making songs.
My most recent release (A Collision from 2020), represents a compilation of what I'd consider my best tracks from 2017-2020. Stylistically, I'd say much of my work falls somewhere between New Order and Nine Inch Nails, with some tracks representing a more hooky Synth-Pop sound and others falling more in line with harder Techno-EBM. It's probably not the most FSOL-adjacent sounding music at times, but I thought I'd share anyway