Pande-reviews: 2009.0 (FSOL - EBS Vol.4)

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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by seedy »

i'm enjoying pande's journey very much ;)
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by Dennis »

Yeah, nice to have those transmission tracklists. I'm quite amazed how much the guys were influenced by 70ies music even back in 93!

So Mr. Pandemonium, keep up the good work! I'm quite curious about the early MPB mixes, would be great to have proper tracklists for them. Guess I have to be patient till they are on your schedule...
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by Ross »

That's the reason FSOL's music is so varied and... well, unique. They've been influenced by such a broad range of things that their taste doesn't conform to any expectations at all.
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by Pandemonium »

There is a definition for that, it's called 'Good Music' - the genres and years are irrelevant :)
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by Pandemonium »

I just made the first post of this topic Pretty :)
- for easier navigation :)
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1993.7 (BBC Essential Mix 1, Darshana)

Post by seedy »

lol holy krap that's crazy :)
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Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essential)

Post by Pandemonium »

WARNING: this is one long post, I've been working on it for a few days, so please be patient and read it.

1994 was a BIG year for FSOL, one of the biggest.
They started their 3D Headspace tour, and with it left their original print in the music history having done a new original concept of live electronic concerts that no-one has done before - we'll talk more about it later.
They got to jam with Robert Fripp from King Crimson! - my respect for this person was pointed out in some previous posts here.
They finally released Lifeforms, after 18 months of production time, this album is going down in history as one of the greatest electronic ambient albums of all time (top 3 if you ask me). Also, the Lifeforms Paths single came out, featuring Liz Fraser from the Cocteau Twins, another legend to work with.
They tried to release again under aliases as a Japanese artist, but the growing number of fans recognized their style, blew their cover and after the Promo500 they released the fruit of the 3D Headspace tour, a limited edition of the ISDN album at the end of the year. (the un-limited edition came out the next year.)
They also did some remixes and had so much activity that they could release a third album that year (called Environments) but didn't. Probably just couldn't keep up with the production and it's no big deal, we got to hear that album 14 years later! :)

In May 1994, FSOL did four live mixes/transmission that we have recorded sound of, and a dozen more that we don't have recordings of - they were probably with very similar tracklists as the two ISDN shows that we will discuss in this post, but still, it would be cool if we could have them all... someday perhaps... and now... lets see what we can... see... everybody on-line, looking good...


FSOL - Mixing It (BBC Radio 3 London, UK) [live mix] (09.05.1994)
bootleg / unreleased


Two days before the beginning of the 3D Headpace Tour FSOL did a 30 minute mix for Robert Sandel's music show called Mixing It, on BBC Radio 3. This is actually a promo mix for Lifeforms which will come out a week later. Wonderful fluent mix, almost all the pieces are unreleased yet (from Lifeforms), except Mountain Goat (from the Tales of Ephridina). Tired ended up on the ISDN album - I think they planned it for Lifeforms but when Lifeforms came up too long a few of the darker pieces like Tired and Dirty Shadows ended up on ISDN. Also, a few unknown pieces, the one from the Lifeforms A/V (at 07:48) that's been torturing us for years, and two more as listed below.

00:00 Robert Sandell Interview
03:45 Lifeforms A/V - (from the Lifeforms VHS)
- 03:45 Sound samples: Lifeforms (Path 1), Lifeforms (Path 5), Among Myselves
- 04:55 Dead Skin Cells
- 06:45 Sound samples: Ill Flower, Cascade
- 07:48 Untitled piece from the Lifeforms A/V VHS
10:00 Bird Wings - (from Lifeforms)
11:02 ????? - the only 'real' unknown track here... reminds me of Aphex Twin in the Selected Ambient Works era...
14:07 Omnipresence - (from Lifeforms)
14:48 Vit - (from Lifeforms)
16:14 ????? - some kind of environment piece, might as well not be a track, but we don't know...
16:58 Lifeforms Path 4 - (from Lifeforms Paths)
20:56 Among Myselves - (from Lifeforms)
21:45 Mountain Goat - (from Tales of Ephidrina)
26:39 Excellent Sunrise - (unreleased)
29:00 Tired - (from ISDN)
31:40 Transmission end

This transmission has never been released officially, to date, the bootleg is from the now defunct Disenchanted FTP.


FSOL - ISDN Transmission 2 New York (The Kitchen) [live mix] (11.05.1994)
- bootleg / first official release 01.02.2010


This is the beginning of the 3D Headspace tour - FSOL making/mixing live electronic concerts from the Earthbeat studio via ISDN lines broadcasted through radio stations to peoples homes directly. This kind of 'concert' was a totally new concept that FSOL literally invented, because like they said in many interviews, they couldn't nor would compete with the rock stars of the '90s and needed to invent something new. The concept itself was groundbreaking in the mainstream world, some say it was underground even... Anyway, they managed to invent something new and original in the times when the mainstream was oversaturated with dozens of new subgenres. And not to forget, people that had ISDN at home could log in and see image and text data with the transmission. FSOL tested this in the Kiss transmissions too, but then you could only log-on to a certain website and just browse cool stuff while listening to the transmission, and now with the ISDN you could have audio-visual experience in a sequential order as it was intended.

The numbering on the ISDN transmissions when some of them were released on are confusing to say the least. The only logic that I could find is that they numbered them in chunks as the tours went on. For example 'Transmission 2, New York' & 'Transmission 5, Rome' are the 2nd and 5th concert from May '94, the first part of the 3D Headspace tour. 'Transmission 4, Netherlands' is the 4th concert from September '94, the second part of the 3D Headspace tour. In 1995 we have 'Transmission 14, Barcelona' which should the 14th concert for October '95 tour. In 1996 we have 'Transmission 3, Edinburgh', 'Transmission 6, France' (this one has wrong date-stamp by FSOL), 'Transmission 7, Manchester' and 'Transmission 11, Berlin' which are numbered correctly if we look at them as the Oct/Nov '96 tour - and so on for '97 - you get the point by now.

As for the show itself, it is literally mind-shattering, at least it was for me when I first heard it (somewhere in '98/'99). It was like listening a new arrangement of the ISDN album, and there was a time (a long time) when I was convinced that ISDN is a better album than Lifeforms - and even today I hold them on a same level, because ISDN speaks to me in a beautiful way darkly, and its just... more me. Now I can only imagine what the original transmission did to the rare few ambient journey lovers in New York, they were blasted away. And if there were any FSOL fans that knew the previous FSOL material and waited for Lifeforms, they were blasted away three times more when they heard all this new material! I mean, come on, Lifeforms comes out in 5 days and Dougans/Cobain are one year into the future playing new ISDN album material. Imagine hearing for the first time 'Live in New York' 'Just a Fuckin Idiot' 'Slider' 'It's My Mind That Works' 'The Far-Out Son' 'You're Creeping Me Out'... you guys are creeping me out indeed :)

00:00 Transmission Intro "The band always seems to be playing in another street..." "Could you leave the lights alone please..."
01:04 Live in New York - (from Promo 500)
07:10 Tired Environments - (from ISDN)
08:00 ????? - very interesting piece, trip-hop beat, bass influenced guitar loop, if it is a guitar at all...
10:38 Appendage - (from ISDN)
12:40 Just a Fuckin Idiot - (from ISDN)
18:09 ????? "We are loosing the war on drugs..." - some background environment with the 'drugs' sample, I don't think this is a track...
19:22 Journey to the Center - (from Environments 2, 2008)
22:56 ????? - another environmental piece...
24:29 Slider - (from ISDN)
30:58 ????? - starts behind "You know the way everybody's into weirdness right now..." sample, and continues. It's a dark ambient piece.
33:23 More Noise Please - (unreleased)
34:50 Herd Killing (Promo 500) - (from Promo 500)
36:34 It's My Mind That Works - (from ISDN)
39:53 FSOL/Dead Can Dance Sound Samples - (unreleased)
42:29 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
44:56 Bird Wings - (from Lifeforms)
45:45 The Far-Out Son Of Lung and the Ramblings of a Madman - (from ISDN)
49:55 Nigel Bates - Shrouded in Mist - (VA - Atmospheric - Elements/Weather, 1986) - library music record.
51:00 ????? - more environments blended together...
53:37 You're Creeping Me Out - (from ISDN)
59:31 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
1:01:17 Papua New Guinea - (from Accelerator)
1:02:15 ????? - another unreleased ISDN piece with tribal sounds...
1:04:56 ????? - sounds like some Liz Fraser Lifeforms outtake, contains the "Come, fly the teeth of the wind, share my wings..." sample.
1:06:02 Environments - Gong - (from Environments, 2007)
1:07:12 ????? - a synth environmental piece...
1:08:18 Off the Net - (unreleased)
1:09:25 Transmission End

It's weird how after 7 volumes of the Archives (and Environments and other old-newly-released material) we still have a good number of unknown tracks. Or maybe they are hidden in the Archives and we still haven't connected them, or we have connected too few. It is overwhelming to go through all that material back and forth, so I hope some of you guys would help out with the track-spotting :)

PS - Ross connected a fair bit of the Archives and other post-2007 releases to the ISDN sessions, so... give us some info Ross, was it on the go or you really combed the shit out of every session. Should we even bother with connecting more tracks or not?


FSOL - BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix (feat Robert Fripp) [live mix] (14.05.1994)


The Essential Mix edition from 14.05.1994 made a special exception and left the 1FM studio and left us in the hands of the FSOL transmitting from the Earthbeat studio. And there's more - the living legend called Robert Fripp joined them. Fripp worked with electronics on his guitars in the '70s, a process he called Frippertronics. An updated Frippertronics process took place that night with Fripp making guitar soundscapes for FSOL and their Essential mix.

There were a few versions circling on the net, the most common one is the 4 part one that is actually incomplete (the mix was a two hour transmission) and the 4 part version definitely needs to switch parts 2 and 3. There is another 40 minutes longer version that I will discuss after this one, and it's very confusing... (**3 hours later**) busted! OK, so the thing is, the 4 part mix that we all have from the old Disenchanted days is missing Part 0 (lets call it that) or the first half-hour roughly. In 2006 some dude got the full mix somehow and screwed up the sound when transferring/ripping (see the youtube links below) so now we have the full mix but in bad quality, so the point is to keep them both and make the right combination :)

90% of the tracks here are in the same chunks and arrangements as the Rome Transmission below this one, minus the Frippertronics.
For visual comparison see this picture: ( )


Part 0 (the part that is not present in the old 4 part mix)

00:00 Pete Tong intro
00:38 Atlantis - Paradise part 1 - (Discogs: / YouTube:
01:57 Dirty Shadows environment - (from ISDN)
03:23 Papua New Guinea - (from Accelerator)
10:41 Breath Environment (some other environments too) - (from Environments, 2007)
13:20 ????? - a synth environmental piece... some samples...
15:52 Lifeforms Path 5 - (from Lifeforms Paths) - lots of Silent Running samples...
18:15 Dead Skin Cells - (from Lifeforms)
20:22 Lifeforms A/V (Ill Flower, Cascade, the unknown VHS piece) - (from the Lifeforms VHS)
23:00 FSOL/Dead Can Dance Sound Samples - (unreleased)
25:35 Tired - (from ISDN)
26:28 ????? - some environments... flutes...
26:53 Little Brother - (from Lifeforms)
27:55 ????? - some environments... piano, saxophone, distant vocals...

Part 1 (is the same part 1 from the 4 part mix)

28:42 Amorphous/Hendrix Voodoo Chile - (unreleased)
30:36 More Noise Please - (unreleased)
32:02 Dirty Shadows - (from ISDN)
37:22 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
39:28 ????? - some kind of environment piece...
40:48 ????? - unreleased ISDN piece with tribal sounds... the same one that appears on the New York transmission on 62:15
42:28 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
44:00 FSOL - Little Brother - (from Lifeforms)
47:43 ????? - again it feels like bunch of clumped up environments and samples...
52:03 Woodland - (From The Archives Vol.1, 2007)
55:02 Take a Sample There, with some environments... - (unreleased)
56:19 Lifeforms Path 4 - (from Lifeforms Paths)
59:52 ????? - an environment piece that ends with some middle east vocals... possible Liz Fraser... same one is in the Rome transmission below...
1:02:08 Environments Part 2 - (from Environments, 2007)

Part 3 (is the same part 3 from the 4 part mix, but it should be part 2 actually)

1:05:21 Mountain Goat - (from Tales of Ephidrena)
1:06:18 Cerebral - (from Lifeforms)
1:08:14 ????? - again the crazy environment that contains the piano piece...
1:09:33 Lifeforms Path 5 - (from Lifeforms Paths)

Part 2 (is the same part 2 from the 4 part mix, but it should be part 3 actually)

1:13:34 Among Myselves - (from Lifeforms)
1:18:08 Environments Part 1 - 'Who The Hell Asked You' sample is here, again... - (from Environments, 2007)
1:19:02 The KLF - Chill Out
1:19:22 A Diversionary Tactic - (from Environments 3, 2010)
1:22:58 Tired - (from ISDN)
1:24:13 Excellent Sunrise - (unreleased)
1:25:37 Deep Into Your Subconscious I Slide - released one month after this transmission on the 'Excursions in Ambience 3' compilation.

Part 4 (is the same part 4 from the 4 part mix)

1:27:03 Black and Blue and Green - an outtake from the ISDN sessions, still unreleased, bootleg only.
1:29:39 Subliminal Aura aka Stomach Acid - (from Signed Sealed Delivered 2 / aka from Archive 3)
1:33:20 18° to the Left - (unreleased)
1:36:30 Tired environments - (from ISDN)
1:37:26 ????? - the same track that appears on Mixing It at 11:02... reminds me of Aphex Twin in the Selected Ambient Works era...
1:41:10 Vit - (from Lifeforms)
1:47:40 John A. Glover-Kind - I Do Like To be Beside the Seaside - (from 1907) - this version arranged by Roy Wootton, most common version by Mark Sheridan.
1:48:08 Off the Net - (unreleased)
1:48:41 Eggshell - (from Lifeforms)
1:54:27 Off the Net - (unreleased)
1:54:48 Pete Tong outro
1:55:09 Transmission End

FSOL with Robert Fripp Essential Mix Part 1

FSOL with Robert Fripp Essential Mix Part 2


FSOL - ISDN Transmission 5 Rome [live mix] (16.05.1994)
- bootleg / first official release 07.03.2010


OK this is one crazy transmission, it actually came out the same day that Lifeforms came out. Did FSOL did some fancy celebrating and a cocktail party for Lifeforms, probably not, instead they just went into the Earthbeat studio as usual and transmitted 2 hours of awesomeness to Rome. Now this transmission, unlike New York, has it all, lots of ISDN, lots of Lifeforms, lots of Environments, elements of Accelerator and Ephidrena, samples used in the Kiss transmissions, many tracks that years later got released on Archives or Environments series, and after all that it still contains about 10 unknown pieces... what a ride...

00:00 Transmission Intro
00:11 Papua New Guinea - (from Accelerator)
07:42 ????? - some kind of environment piece...
09:33 ????? - unreleased ISDN piece with tribal sounds... the same one that appears on the New York transmission on 62:15
12:01 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
13:02 Little Brother - (from Lifeforms)
16:17 Black & Blue & Green - an outtake from the ISDN sessions, still unreleased, bootleg only.
18:50 Subliminal Aura aka Stomach Acid - Subliminal Aura as an AA track released a month after this transmission on 'Signed Sealed Delivered 2' and Stomach Acid released on Archive 3 in 2007 as a FSOL track.
22:50 Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches - (Columbia, 1959)
23:34 18° to the Left - (unreleased)
24:16 Environments - Birds - (from Environments, 2007)
25:27 Environments - Gong - (from Environments, 2007)
26:39 ????? - a synth environmental piece... the same one at 67:12 on the New York transmission, but it's longer here, with Silent Running samples.
30:10 Lifeforms A/V - (from the Lifeforms VHS)
31:13 ????? - Predator sound samples... some choral environment...
32:34 Tired - (from ISDN)
33:48 ????? - the same track that appears on Mixing It at 11:02... reminds me of Aphex Twin in the Selected Ambient Works era...
37:55 Vit Environment - (from Lifeforms)
38:34 Down Again - (unreleased)
39:47 ????? - it starts with some flutes and just goes environmental and creepy :)
43:10 Woodland - (From The Archives Vol.1, 2007)
45:53 Take a Sample There - (unreleased)
46:45 Dead Skin Cells - (from Lifeforms)
48:25 Lifeforms A/V (Ill Flower, Cascade, the unknown piece) - (from the Lifeforms VHS)
51:28 Amorphous/Hendrix Voodoo Chile - (unreleased)
52:43 More Noise Please - (unreleased)
54:10 Dirty Shadows - (from ISDN)
59:57 Environments Part 1 - (from Environments, 2007)
1:01:15 ????? - first the Earthbeat computer then some other samples and environments
1:02:32 Vit - (from Lifeforms)
1:06:20 ????? - an environment piece that ends with some middle east vocals... possible Liz Fraser...
1:08:12 Environments Part 2 - (from Environments, 2007)
1:12:34 ????? - some crazy environment that contains the piano piece...
1:15:38 Lifeforms (Path 5) - (from Lifeforms Paths)
1:20:18 Among Myselves - (from Lifeforms)
1:24:44 FSOL/Dead Can Dance Sound Samples - (unreleased)
1:26:50 Tired - (from ISDN)
1:29:36 ????? - some nice piano/saxophone environment, sounds familiar a little...
1:30:30 Amorphous/Hendrix Voodoo Chile - (unreleased)
1:31:02 Environments Part 1 - Who The Hell Asked You is also here... - (from Environments, 2007)
1:32:32 A Diversionary Tactic - (from Environments 3, 2010)
1:35:10 Excellent Sunrise - (unreleased)
1:38:22 Deep Into Your Subconscious I Slide - released one month after this transmission on the 'Excursions in Ambience 3' compilation.
1:41:12 John A. Glover-Kind - I Do Like To be Beside the Seaside - this version arranged by Roy Wootton, most common version by Mark Sheridan.
1:42:28 Off the Net - (unreleased)
1:42:58 Eggshell - (from Lifeforms)
1:49:00 Off the Net - (unreleased)
1:50:48 Transmission End

Want to read about the other ISDN mix series? (bootleg or otherwise) Click away:

Mixing It (09.05.1994) // ISDN Transmission 2 New York (11.05.1994) // ISDN Transmission 5 Rome (16.05.1994) --> it's this post.
ISDN Transmission 4 Netherlands (09.09.1994) // The 3D Headspace Tour (1994) // Kiss FM '94 Transmission
ISDN Transmission 14 Barcelona (22.10.1995)
BBC Radio 1 Steve Lamacq Session (26.10.1996) // ISDN Transmission 3 Edinburgh (28.10.1996)
BBC Radio Leicester (01.11.1996) // BBC Radio Aire Leeds (02.11.1996) // ISDN Transmission 6 France (05.11.1996)
ISDN Transmission 7 Manchester (06.11.1996) // VPRO Radio Netherlands (11.11.1996) // ISDN Transmission 11 Berlin (06.12.1996) // Fritz Radio Berlin (06.12.1996) // London UK (1996)
ISDN Transmission 8 Los Angeles (22.01.1997) // ISDN Transmission 16 France (27.02.1997) // ISDN Show (1997)
ISDN Transmission 9 London (25.03.1997) // Fun Radio France (13.06.1997)

next post -> Lifeforms :)
Last edited by Pandemonium on Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:41 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Tito Lozano »

From Mixing it :11:02 ????? - the only 'real' unknown track here... reminds me of Aphex Twin in the Selected Ambient Works era...

I put my hand on fire about this is another Fripp-Fsol Work or Fripptronics samples for a Fsol Song
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Tito Lozano »

Excellent awesome compilation review work MR Pandemonium,thanks really :)
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Tito Lozano »

and well about robert fripp 1994 essential mix i think that is the most famous mix from fsol that was share around the world and the only one mix that 1 friend here on my city download and burn in cd for me because in 2000´s , i was the only crazy man in my fucking rude city that listening something more deep beyond the orb...

Essential mix 94 with Robert Fripp is the most popular mix from FSOL ,most downloaded from sites as Audiogalaxy,emule,kazaa,soulseek ,etc... and the most popular reference for mixes people.But i never could change the opinion about fsol for my friends is a mindblowing music for hard and dark minds and here in spain is more easy listening other mainstream sounds ,but for me FSOL no have parangon, other artists as The ORB or Boards of canada have easy listening but anybody understand the cult to FSOL,hahahah i love this and i love our guys,Brain,Gaz you both are the fucking great !!!!! and im happy to known their music !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Tito Lozano »

Perpetual Dawn is the cock but where appear omnipresence ,to remove dayvan cowboy...
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Ross »

All titles of unreleased tracks taken from the handwritten tracklist Brian scanned and I put online a couple of years ago.
And yeah, far as I know all the tracks are matched up from the archives, I had some pretty heavy listening sessions a while back.

I'd love more 1994 shows on The Pod Room. Comparing Rome, New York, VPRO and Kiss, they're all quite different. Unlike the Dead Cities shows which are more samey and yet we have loads!
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Pandemonium »

OK Ross, I keep forgetting about the scans... I'll clean the post a little...

Thanks for the input RONTXO :)
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by Pandemonium »

I've been meaning to ask the UK/US residents,
How is my English in these so-called reviews?

How would you rate it - from 1 to 10? :)

Any language tips?
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Re: Pande-reviews: 1994.0 (Mixing It, 2 ISDNs, Fripp Essenti

Post by mcbpete »

Pandemonium wrote:How is my English in these so-called reviews?
Put it this way: If you hadn't told us that you weren't from an English speaking country I would've never guessed
(or with less confusing double negatives: It's darned perfect)
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