So here's one I've never even heard of before. It's been on YouTube for 12 years and only gained 137 views in that time, somehow. Gaz talking about tracks that influenced him and Brian, broadcast in early 1997 on Kiss FM. You get the expected occasional glimpses of proto-Isness in what he's saying - illness, trying to get more organic sounds in their music, arguments over their direction, etc - and the selections are pretty much the first Monstrous Bubble in development. There's also a snippet of Everyone's Gone to the Moon slowing down, followed by Matt Thompson saying they should get a full DJ set next time, which feels so prophetic I wonder if this is where the idea of doing the first MPB to Kiss 102 began.
Gaz talks about being Zen recently, apparently analysing things is the disease of western man. Forthcoming music will be more instinctive and honest. Funny that this is followed by him obsessing over an album for five years and still not being happy with it.
Far-out Son was meant to sound like a slightly lo-fi psychedelic jam from the '70s.
There's going to be an exclusive FSOL track, a nine minute epic inspired by Tomorrow Never Knows, with Ian Astbury from The Cult, only Gaz forgot to bring it. That'll be Sendoro Luminoso / A Sweltering Heat, then.
Gaz isn't into artists who are very prolific, lol
Brian isn't there because he's watering his plants.
Gaz is a vegetarian at this point.
Gaz was shouting a bunch of things about Manchester over We Have Explosive during the previous year's Kiss 102 broadcast - would love to hear that.
Gaz is exceptionally crap at song titles.
Gaz isn't into literal stories behind music. He still thinks electronic music is the purest kind of music at this point.
Fats Comet – Rockchester
23 Skidoo – The Gospel Comes to New Guinea
400 Blows – A Declaration of Intent
The Doors – Peace Frog
808 State – Flow Coma
The White Noise – Love Without Sound
Hypnopedia – Spectral
Stevie Jesse Bernstein – More Noise Please
Jonathan King – Everyone's Gone to the Moon
Beverly de Fries-D'Albert – Mental Sailing
Wizards of Ooze – Doodah Dip
Peter Gabriel – Slow Water
The Beatles – Tomorrow Never Knows
Richard H. Kirk – Lagoon West
The Cult – She Sells Sanctuary
Cabbage Boy – Bean to This World
Beaumont Hannant – I dunno, who wants to ID this one? I recognise it but don't have his stuff to hand at the mo. It's an earlier one.
The Today People - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
David Sylvian – Forbidden Colours
Tuu – One Thousand Years
Laibach – God is God (Optical Instrumental Mix)
Deuter – Cicada
Barbara Streisend – Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star is Born)
Moron Subotnik – Silver Apples of the Moon
Barry Adamson – The Man With the Golden Arm