Interview with Gary Lucas

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Interview with Gary Lucas

Post by Enofa » ... ond/38432/
Nice interview with Gary Lucas in Skiddle that features this lovely response to a question about FSOL/AA:
How did your relationship with The Future Sound Of London/Amorphous Androgynous begin? What are those guys like as people and how are they to work with?

This came about through the head of an NYC-based label I recorded for at one time who thought my collaborating with UK female electronica artist Riz Maslen would be a good idea. At that time Riz was the girlfriend, or the ex-girlfriend, of one of the two guys comprising FSOL. And it was through Riz that initial introductions were made to FSOL’s Brian Dougans and Garry Cobain, who I hit it off with immediately.

I think they are both really personable and extremely talented musicians and producers, and I found it very easy to work with them. We sparked off each other right away. I recorded lots of tracks with these two, and also did a voice-over for a radio show they were working on.

The live gigs I played with Garry were something else again, in Russia and in Australia. In fact, playing live with Garry and sitar player Baluj Shrivastav at 2am in a soccer stadium during the White Nights Bicentennial in St. Petersburg Russia in 2002 was one of the highlights of my performing career. So was performing in Moscow and Australia with the expanded FSOL / AA line-up.
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