we don't really get into too much personal stuff or branch too far away from the wonderful world of music but i would have this with any of you any time because through all of these years i have a great sense of your character - so many of you!
i've somewhat lost all of the real world friends i have due to being such a hermit. it's by choice and it isn't. i AM a homebody....i am the type that's often well consumed with himself and the immediate family etc. but i'm also hella busy to the degree that i really don't care to focus on anything else but the "task at hand" which is my family. so i haven't really lost these friends per se....but i've surely lost touch.
and so that really leaves you guys and thus in the manliest way possible i just want to extend my love and respect and thanks to you all. sometimes this environment and the treatment a person gets here is just what's needed.
this place has never been anything but a positive light in my life. good laughs, amazing knowledge of music, enthusiasms that i share, help with whatever is asked, .....the list goes on. what a world we carved out for ourselves here and i can only hope that you all get what i do from it.
so take that mcpete! and you too ross.
we've got pande and other diehards that have brought this place to the next level but you two truly are the reason for all of this and i really thank you for your dedication and efforts. and here you bastards thought this place was only about ISDN archiving and the like

come on 2015 - help a guy out. god knows my intentions are damn pure

ps - none of you USA folk better be a stranger if you are in the NY/NJ/PA area!
and you peeps not here in the USA - please believe you have help and a place to crash should you ever cross the pond to get here.
one can dream.....i really hope i can shake as many of your hands as possible one day
even if we're 90 years old at that point