I'm out.

Terminal Window / Terminal Radio discussion
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Re: I'm out.

Post by dubmasta »

The issue is quite a sensetive one and tremendously emotional for me personally as Five Minutes Alone began his journey into the musical unknown since Terminal Radio Season 1, which is without any doubt forever bonded with HERD because Terminal Radio IS HERD, without Jason's artwork I can not imagine Terminal Radio and there IS NO Terminal Radio without HERD, its as simple as that. Id rather stay with the memory of Terminal Radio Season 1 which is one of the best things ever happened in my life and critical as air to breathe for me personally because of whatever happened with Five Minutes Alone after that.
Id appreciate if Loose Link would drop a line, nobody knows that but Terminal Radio Season 3 would not be happening if I wouldnt convince Craig to make an effort to start over, and it was not easy at all to do that.
If someone agrees to continue Terminal without HERD you are very welcome to do that, but without Jason Im out, and thats final.
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Re: I'm out.

Post by beetles »

Cheers guys, it's nothing to do with lack of support from you all. I'm just having some time away from all online stuff including music, TR and covers.It's nothing personal.cheers, Jason
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Re: I'm out.

Post by Ross »

I have this sometimes, I go through periods where I need to take myself and my creativity offline to an extent, take stock, maybe recapture the reason I started doing it. The internet is great to meet people and collaborate, but it's so large that sometimes it can feel like you're shouting into a void and the echo can be deafeningly loud. There's nothing like trying to promote your work to make you wish for those halcyon days when you were just messing about on your own without any expectations.
I could be totally off the mark, but if you're anything like me then I definitely get you.

re: Terminal, I dunno, this place has been a ghost town for a while now. The last time we had board-wide enthusiasm was when the artist copies of TW3 were sent out. I like the sound of all the stuff that had been building up for TR season 3 though, it would be a shame for that to all disappear because one of us needs some time out.
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Re: I'm out.

Post by dubmasta »

Ive been a regular member here on FSOLboard since FSOL went on hiatus, 10-15 years, and its forever my homeland. I have a pretty clear idea about this place, the regular members and Terminal artists. The potential and the talent of Terminal crew is beyond understanding and petrifying, as its that powerful. The main problem with Terminal has always been a severe lack of the Terminal crew UNITY (Despite the fact that we have put out 3 albums, an EP and Terminal Radio), all the artists here know about that, but ironically there is a tendency to avoid discussing the subject on the forum, in public.
Apart from the fact that Herd is out of Terminal, another reason for my departure from the TR crew is that Im devestated after all I have done for the project, just like all of you Terminal folks have done, and absolutely disappointed with the whole thing. Whoever wants to take charge from now on PM me or contact Loose Link, Im off.
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Re: I'm out.

Post by mcbpete »

dubmasta wrote:another reason for my departure from the TR crew is that Im devestated after all I have done for the project, just like all of you Terminal folks have done, and absolutely disappointed with the whole thing
I feel like I've skipped a few chapters on a David Lynch DVD and am now totally lost !
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Re: I'm out.

Post by epitome »

mcbpete wrote:
dubmasta wrote:another reason for my departure from the TR crew is that Im devestated after all I have done for the project, just like all of you Terminal folks have done, and absolutely disappointed with the whole thing
I feel like I've skipped a few chapters on a David Lynch DVD and am now totally lost !
I am unsure what the actual problem has been as well. Is it not something that can be resolved?

I'm a bit worried that this has happened soon after my small involvement, but I don't think I'd even be counted as part of the TR crew at this stage, so hopefully my conscience is clean :|
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Re: I'm out.

Post by Pandemonium »

I'm also a little bit confused with this whole thing...
Waiting, reading, hoping it will make sense, and it kinda doesn't.
(reminder: I didn't do much in the project, some photo-manipulation, and a couple of mixes)

I'm all OK with HERD taking time off,
but this whole other thing... I try to put it together, probably makes sense, some people really poured a LOT of work and love into the project - a LOT of quality stuff was released - most people (including me) were expecting TR to get way bigger than it did... But it didn't, and that's not surprising (to me) either in this day and age.

I really hope the project will go on, one way or the other.
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Re: I'm out.

Post by mcbpete »

Pandemonium wrote:... But it didn't, and that's not surprising (to me) either in this day and age.
Aye absolutely, you have to remember we're now in an era of a millions and millions of podcasts, and millions and millions of releases. Like the world of multichannel television - viewing/listening figures for *everything* are diluted nowadays especially in such a niche genre...
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Re: I'm out.

Post by OffLand »

If Terminal started in the 90's, we would have been a huge hit most likely... and FSOL would have been annoyed at us most likely for copying them. ;)

I love Terminal, but sadly, with real life stuff, I just don't have the time to coordinate. If anyone still wants to continue with Terminal, I've given a bunch of audio, video stuff to dubmasta, and will continue to do so when I have the time. I'm also always available to make remixes and provide stems for remixes (at my discretion obv). Lastly, Loose Link and I have a mini album completed that is still unreleased. If we resurrect Terminal, we would be OK releasing it on the Terminal Bandcamp page.
- Off Land
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Re: I'm out.

Post by Ross »

I think the lack of unity comes from the fact that different people want different things out of it. Akkya wanted a big record label with contracts and all, Nmesh only pops in every once in a while and has a pretty successful music career away from this place, some people have links outside so do promotions, other people have no real way of promoting beyond their Facebook page. Everyone's at a different stage in their musical development, everyone has different goals. I'm sure there are some here who just have music as a hobby that they do once in a while; others of us see it as an ideal career to work towards. Some of us have a lot more time in our lives to put into it than others.
As Dimitris said, none of this has ever been approached as a subject, so any time a project has come together, everybody's expectations of it have been different. And if you're not all shooting at the same goal, it's never really going to take off properly.
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Re: I'm out.

Post by mcbpete »

[quote="Ross" I'm sure there are some here who just have music as a hobby that they do once in a while; [/quote]Yep, between usual 45+hr weeks here at work; bi-weekly meet ups with family here in London; trips to family in Devon; modding and admin-ing here, the cubus site & watmm; large involvement in the indie and retro gaming world .... making music is a bit of a squeeze, if I manage more than 5 tracks a year I've done well !
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Re: I'm out.

Post by epitome »

If Terminal does continue, I'd love to get more involved. But, as Ross says, people are at different stages in their musical development and I'm way behind you guys, so unfortunately I probably can't offer as much as I'd like to.

But still, my weekends now get almost entirely taken up making music and I would be happy to contribute whether in the form of mixes, collaborations, remixes, or whatever else is wanted. I'm currently working on 3 albums by myself, some music with someone else and hopefully have another cool (but small) thing lined up quite soon (if it comes off), but I seem to keep stressing myself by piling too much stuff on, so another project to work on should be fine :)
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Re: I'm out.

Post by seedy »

i typically have no time for anything but just plain surviving :P
been sitting on my old tune for months because i don't like it but don't have the time or desire to try and fix it
i think i need to rest on the fact that my first set of tunes will be embarrassing and weak no matter how much energy I put into them

good points you made there ross makes a lot of sense
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Re: I'm out.

Post by beetles »

Basically over the last few months Ive noticed that my tracks have been getting zero attention when I put them online. This has happened on various sites and Ive decided not to bother promoting anything online anymore. I understand that there is a massive amount of new music online everyday but my fanbase seems to be shrinking instead of growing. This isnt some sort of bad mood from me - Ive been thinking about it for a while. I never expected to make a living from music after all its just a hobby and a few comments here and there inspire you to keep producing. These now seem to have dried up and just the other day I had a day long discussion with someone on twitter with very honest negative views as to why this has been happening. He mentioned this place and some other sites where I had tried to promote my stuff. His idea was that Im getting zero attention as I mention FSOL in my promo and compare myself to them. So I have closed my account on WATMM and decided to just release stuff to friends and keep the online stuff to a minimum. I started all this for fun and I just dont need any negative shit from anonymous people online.Im happy to receive messages online from people that like my stuff but lifes too short to have to justify yourself to some twat. The way he was talking was very kowledgable about this place and WATMM which has left me wondering who I can trust.Not a good feeling. So good luck all, Im out.

Like I said I'll finish ongoing projects Ive agreed to but after that Im done.


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Re: I'm out.

Post by Pandemonium »

Jason, all that makes sense, actually.

I also noticed in the 'making music' section people post about their releases and get ZERO responses, or only one or two over a long period of time. But as I said individually in messages to a few of you, this happens because people don't have time for various stuff, and less and less for consuming music - at least this is my case. - But still, talking about current releases and exchanging ideas was ... existent a couple of years ago... Well, life and age I guess...

I've also said numerous times, I try to keep up with everyone's music here as much as I can - even though I don't write about it :)

My top 3 artists in the last few years are OffLand, HERD & Akkya. Tim has a nice eMail reminders for new releases, I hope Jason can keep me informed in the future too...
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