Terminal Window 2

Terminal Window / Terminal Radio discussion
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Re: Terminal Window 2

Post by LooseLink »

Howdy! :)

Well, I haven't received anything since, if anybody was working on anything then cool. I wouldn't call this a delete idea completely, it would probably have a better place on the fsolboard soundcloud page, where it would be abit freer from legal troubles.

I haven't been keeping up as much with Internet stuff as the real world has been taking me around for the past couple months, I'm not surprised if its the same for a lot of you guys especially at this time. I saw this as abit of a gap filler, or at least an attempt to keep us busy until the next Terminal Window, which I'm getting the feeling we'd kinda want it to be annual.

Ross has a very interesting idea for volume three, I'll let him tell it when he feels the time is right.
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Re: Terminal Window 2

Post by Akkya »

I'm up for submitting for Terminal Window 3

just let me know when
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Re: Terminal Window 2

Post by Pandemonium »

I also have new cool pictures from a small lake that I visited,
so I'm kinda ready too.

Also have the new Photoshop CS6 skillz :P
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Re: Terminal Window 2

Post by LooseLink »

I've overcome those Fruity Loop nags that plagued me last time, so I'm game for new tracks for number III.
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