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Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:35 pm
by epitome
seedy wrote: also guys -
i mentioned these awhile back in another thread but after hearing most of their catalogs i would def recommend:
-robert rich - just all around great ambient sometimes tribal
-steve roach - again great ambient though some albums are too droney/not enough happening for me. lots of great tribal albums as well
-byron metcalf - tribal drums plenty of albums with these two guys above
Can you post a few links of stuff that gives a good idea of what each one does? Ambient tribal stuff definitely sounds like something I'd be into.

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:37 pm
by epitome
Oh, and I'm currently listening to:

Kreng - L'Autopsie Phénoménale de Dieu

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:43 pm
by Pandemonium
Trombone Shorty - Orleans & Claiborne

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:19 pm
by Pandemonium
I get disappointed in new music / new artists far more often than not.
But then I hear something like Recondite - Placid and I don't regret going through 80 albums just to find One decent one :)

My balls are tripped off and full of goosebumps!

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:50 pm
by epitome
Pandemonium wrote:I get disappointed in new music / new artists far more often than not.
But then I hear something like Recondite - Placid and I don't regret going through 80 albums just to find One decent one :)

My balls are tripped off and full of goosebumps!
Just checked out the title track from that and one other track - sound good, gonna have to check out some more of their stuff :) Reminded me a bit of UXB, who I've been listening to quite a bit recently.

Now listening to:
The Smashing Pumpkins - live stuff circa 95/96

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:13 pm
by seedy
epitome i would hand select a few for you if i had the time but for now here are some good leads!

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:54 pm
by Dennis
Some may have seen this already on watmm or wherever, but I thought I post this here, as I listened a lot his two albums recently. Nice to get the actual evidence that this guy truly seem to source almost his entire music from a collection of about 2000 VHS-tapes with a 12 year-old software, this is just incredible. Hopefully there will be another album in the not-to-far-future, this stuff is awesome.


Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:00 pm
by seedy
cool stuff

i wish it was a bit more technical showing how he stitches stuff together etc

would f'n love a video from brian like that too ;)

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:06 pm
by Dennis
Interesting he actually doesn´t care much about recent music rather than "early autechre, tangerine dream & old progrock stuff", very likeable.
seedy wrote:would f'n love a video from brian like that too ;)
On one hand, yeah, would definitely be curious, on other hand - maybe better some 'mystery' remains... keeping the magic a bit...

np Magma - Retrospektiw 1-2 - Finally got this, listening to the 36 min piece 'Theusz Hamtaak' for first time in it´s full live performance glory. - 'da zeuhl wortz mekanik!!!' , as I always said :)

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:19 am
by epitome
seedy wrote:epitome i would hand select a few for you if i had the time but for now here are some good leads!

That's some really good stuff, man!
I checked out a few other random bits too - all sounded good. I was really interested to get into them more and buy some of their stuff, but then I saw how big their discographies (I said discographies!) were and it put me off! Jeeez! :o

Side note:
I put Robert Rich's 7 hour Somnium on last night. About 3 hours in my girlfriend woke up and this conversation happened:
GF: "What's that noise?"
ME: "Music."
-10 minutes pass -
GF: "Has this been playing for the last 3 hours?"
ME: "Yeah."
- 10 more minutes pass -
GF: "It's just the same hum."

I turned it off :( Personally, I liked it (even though I was asleep through most of it).

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:40 pm
by seedy
lol - peas in a pod man!
i felt the same thing when turning on to them too - mainly steve roach - the other two aren't THAT bad
also with f'n pete namlook
i'm like "oh no.....i like this music.....and dude has 1,000 albums!.....should i just pretend this never happened?!!??" lol

i can't do that though and just accepted that there is "work to be done" with those artists

LOL @ the sominum!
honestly this one and the newer shorter "sleep album" i passed on. just not enough going on for me there.
a better stab at this imo is Max Richters 8 hour album SLEEP. though it's not as conducive to actually sleeping like the robert rich albums are

lol talk about tons of releases......are you aware of what buckethead has been up to lately?
dude is crazy and thankfully his music has not sucked me in like that =()

*** DUDE! please please do yourself and wallet a favor and take THE TEST again to get your foot in THE door
cuz you know, all of a sudden namlook's millions albums don't feel AS daunting ;)

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:51 pm
by epitome
Well, it's not so much the money it would cost to buy all their albums that's daunting (although it is a bit!), it's the time it'd take to listen to them. I'm pretty sure if I wanted to just download all their albums for free, I could ;)

I don't know about you, or anyone else, but when I start listening to a new (to me) album, I'd say, on average, I might listen to that album about 15 times before I file it away and move on to the next one. Obviously if I don't get into an album, it might be less, or if I love an album it might be more. But I think for most albums around 15 plays is about right.

So, looking at Robert Rich, as I think I liked his stuff the most, from what I listened to... I think he has over 20 albums out. If they're roughly an hour each and I listen to them 15 times each, I'll need 300 hours to get through his stuff :?

I've been into FSOL for about 3 years now and I'm still catching up on their stuff. And there's loads by Ozric Tentacles and The Orb that I still need to listen to.

I get maybe around 60-70 new releases every year, so just keeping up with those, and any older albums I buy every year, plus working through my pile of about 100 albums that I already own but haven't got round to listening to... I think I'm just too busy to get into those guys right now! :D

I'll try and keep them in my mind (along with a few other bands/artists that I've liked the sound of but not found time to get into properly) and maybe one day I'll have the time...

Now, if you happen to know any similar and just-as-good artists who only have a couple of albums out, I'll be right on them :P

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:12 pm
by Ross
As the years pass, I get into less and less music ever year. Every time I add a record to my collection I have to shift everything up on my shelves, and that always results in me noticing about fifty albums I haven't listened to in a while that I want to listen to immediately. As my collection grows larger, the less time I have to listen to everything, and the less room in my head there is for new music.

And yeah, I'm with epitome in terms of how long it takes to get into new music. A few weeks of on-and-off playing is needed to really appreciate an album, and if I get more than a couple of albums at a time then it doesn't actually allow for me to listen to anything from my existing collection.

At one point I was buying 250-300 CDs a year, these days in various formats it's more like 50. I reckon it'll continue to slow over time. There's only so much time in the world, and I've stopped feeling the need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of music.

Case in point: Pete Namlook. I actually started working through all of the full FAX albums on YouTube, but eventually got to the stage where I did a bit of reading and decided to pick up the first four Air records and the first two Silence ones. I've enough there to explore in depth for quite a long time, and by the time I feel I really 'know' those albums, there'll be something else I want to get into.

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:23 pm
by seedy
hmmm i've never had any strict requirements like that - to listen to an album X number of times before i move on.
i just listen to whatever calls out at me at that moment. so it can be something i've listened to twice before or perhaps 100s of times.

as all of the years have passed and with the world of music only a click away these days my collection is pretty mammoth
and what that means is that i'm constantly listening to brandy new music while also peppering "listened to at least once" albums in the mix.
it's a nice enough balance for me but surely not for everyone.

there is the argument with free music etc. that people just can't absorb and obsess over an album like we used to back in the day.
i can agree with that to a degree but ultimately nothing is truly stopping that from still happening. and it still does.
like i say i just go with the flow - so if the flow tells me to listen to mike gordon - inside in every day for about 2 months straight after it's release - well i'm not one to argue with that authority ;)

and then there's pande's music library..........hayoooooooo!

Re: What are you listening to?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:43 pm
by Pandemonium
seedy wrote:and then there's pande's music library..........hayoooooooo!
- Please... don't get me started :)