Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Anything goes. But keep it clean buster...
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by Ross »

Not having a problem in Chrome here. On iOS Catalina.
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by mcbpete »

Ah that's good to know - Thanks Ross, probably a weird cookie issue at my end .....
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by billybatts »

Mods - 'Like' button for posts please! For when agreement beckons but laziness is stronger
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by billybatts »

Is that on Chrome as well? Just noticed it in mobile now duh!
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by mcbpete »

Unfortunately caught this a little too late after updating the board for security reasons - This is the nearest I have that's compatible with the current build, should now be a new icon by the post you want to 'like' (in this case 'thank'). If something more suitable appears in future I shall switch over ...
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by Ross »

The inevitable Facebookisation of the entire internet continues.
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by mcbpete »

I'll play it by ear and see how it goes - Yeah am always cautious of going full web3.0 (or whatever number we're at nowadays) when things aren't necessary. As much as I'm on there I think WATMM has gone waaaaaayy too far with that side of things, though that's in part due to the Invision backend that seems (IMO) rather too obtrusive, architecturally closed and far too bloated (all three being the main reasons I went the phpbb route)
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by Ross »

Oh God I have so many issues with WATMM's interface, right down to how it would be so much nicer to just copy and paste the same code here and there every time I do an update on my blog.
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by mcbpete »

Apologies, didn't realise how useless the search facility was (what do you mean you're not going to show me the results because 'fsol' is too common a term ?!) - Should be good now (in the process of re-indexing but should be done in the next 10 minutes)
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Post by mcbpete »

The fsol board goes international .... fsolboard.co.uk and now fsolboard.com are go... (both point to the same place but I might switch off the .co.uk one in the future) :) AND they properly redirect without breaking the logins (Apologies to everyone that had to re-log in whenever they visit the site for the past year or so ... it wasn't you it was me.) AND i've finally sorted out the ssl thingamy so you don't get that big bad warning about the site being not-secure on browsers

(still good one bug to fix on correct widths of text boxes - for some reason the word wrapping width and the text box width seem to be different so it word wraps stuff well before it needs to)
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Post by mcbpete »

Fully updatered and fixed the weird wrapping issue .... Let me know if this width feels a little claustrophobic (I've got it set to a maximum width set to 1300 pixels so the black border makes the whiteness less dazzling)
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Post by Ross »

Still getting logged out every couple of days!
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Post by mcbpete »

Which address are you using Ross:


(and are you definitely using one with the https address - the regular http one(s) still function but the cookies don't save for security reasons and sign you out every time)
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Post by Ross »

First one with the s.
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Re: Where did everything go? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! (site updates)

Post by mcbpete »

Dang, not sure then other than some sort of cookie/cache clearance .... Seems to be working on my phone, work machine and home lappy and has kept me logged in since the fix last week

Could you maybe enter/copy-paste http://www.ilovecubus.co.uk/fsolboard/ (i.e. the old address) in the address bar and then click the 'x' on the right of the address (this is on Chrome might be different on different browsers) to remove it from your history. If you are using Chrome hopefully it's showing this in the top left by the address (sorry, not sure why that screenshot is so big) :


Rather than:

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